Constant Barrage of Products Needing Optimization

Valued Contributor II

I am so over this constant barrage of products needing optimization. The notifications come in daily—sometimes hourly. I spend more time optimizing products than I do on creating fresh, new products.

It’s a never ending task. I only have ~1,500 products. How do folks with 10,000 products cope with this?


New Contributor III

Hi....I divide how many products I have, by how many days a year I work on Zazzle, then update that many products daily. I do it first thing in the morning to get it over with, I check the tags and share on social media, it only takes a few minutes....for you it would only be 4 or 5 products daily.

Honored Contributor II

I never look at the notifications - it just feels too distracting to me. I just go look at what needs to be optimized first thing every day that I'm working on stuff and deal with it before I do anything else. Usually takes around 5 minutes.

Cat @ ZingerBug Designs

Honored Contributor

Most of the time when I get the Optimization notification, the product isn't even in the list yet! and I'm not going to go hunting for it through my whole store. I try to set aside some time once a week or so to go through and optimize whatever I feel is worth saving, but I ignore the notifications when they come in.

Contributor III

I guess I'm a procrastinator so that doesn't affect me that much, I look at those notifications and think "sure, I'll optimize that later".

Honored Contributor

Most of mine are: 1. already in my own Hidden or Direct only category, where I throw older versions if I've redone them, just in case there's a stray link somewhere; 2. Obsolete products, like face masks; 3. products that are discontinued, like air fresheners. I keep them hoping that some day they come back! So when I get around to it, I just make a quick pass through the list, checking if anything is worth worrying about.

New Contributor III

I just don't even worry about it.  Optimizing fits into my "when I have time" category, and ususally I just don't have time.