Royalty on Digital Downloads defaulting to 92.89%

New Contributor

Hello! I'm trying to enable digital downloads on an existing invitation design and the DD royalty rate keeps defaulting back to 92.89%. This is what I am doing: click to enable digital downloads, overwrite the default royalty rate with my chosen royalty rate, click to accept the terms etc... and when I go back to check, the product has a DD royalty rate of the default 92.89%. I then edit the royalty rate again to my preferred rate, click to accept the terms etc, go back to check... and the royalty rate is yet again at the default. So I've reverted to disabling DDs on that product.

This used to work! Has something changed? Please advise. 



Hey @Alison_D,

Sorry to hear about this issue. Can I please ask for a link to an example product that this issue is happening with?


- Mark

New Contributor

thanks Mark.

Here is the listing that I was first trying with:

I also just tested out this brand new listing here and it's the same:

thank you



Hey @Alison_D,

Thanks for the examples. I have passed this on to the team now. I will let you know when I have more info.


- Mark

Contributor III

Is there an update on this? This continues to happen on the products I do try to list as digital. Not to mention, that when it does stick, they are showing up 10 cents cheaper than the backend says they will be. Every 10 products sold is a dollar lost in theory then, for me. That matters. If it says the royalty will be $16 (before any carve outs) why when it is public is it $15.90

Hey @JB,

Sorry to hear you are experiencing this issue.

Can you please provide links to example products and screenshots if possible?

Thank you.

- Mark