Captions on downloaded product image for personal website

Valued Contributor

So I want to share a product on my personal website and download the image. Then in WordPress it shows a caption that it is copyrighted by Zazzle (this is with a cover image I created). That's all nice, but then when I view the newly added product on my website it shows a glaring long text on my webpage. I've never seen this caption before and don't know if it is something that WordPress has changed or that it is a new feature from Zazzle.

As it is completely screwing up the design of my website, I have to delete it.

Shouldn't this be shown when someone wants to download the image?


Anne Vis Icon

Contributor II

I have noticed this too last night (for the first time). I just deleted it (the text) because I figured that I am using it to promote an item on Zazzle in combination with my referral ID and so I should be fine. I think it could help though to keep people from stealing the image to use it to create similar listings (like on Etsy, eBay or what ever) so it’s a good move on Zazzle‘s part. I haven’t actually checked but I’m positive this text is also embedded in the image data itself (for AI to find easily on the web). I had posted links to Zazzle listings on five of my websites last night. Once the sun is down I‘ll check a bit more on that one.

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Hey @Anne,

We would be happy to look into this for you.

May I please ask you to share a link to the product you shared, a link to your website and a screenshot showing the image with the text.

Thank you.

- Mark

Valued Contributor

Hey @Anne,

Thank you very much for the information. I have reported to the team now.

- Mark

Honored Contributor

That warning embedded in the meta data of an image has been there for a long time.


Any random image I download from Z in an"unauthorized" manner has it. If I go through the Media Manger and re-download my own covers, they have it too. However, if I download any of Z's product images or "my artwork" from the MM, they don't have it.

I don't know anything about Wordpress but this is a them thing. Is it possible you accidentally enabled an option to automatically show "captions"? A quick Google shows there are also plug-ins that tap into the EXIF data to display copyright info with images to avoid any possible legal issues. If there's a WordPress group, you might ask there if this is a new thing and how to turn it off.

In the meantime, you could just upload your covers directly to Wordpress instead of downloading them back from Zazzle where they now have the comment in them.

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Very useful info Col - thanks so much. It’s by the way not a WordPress them issue - the caption thingy I mean.

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Honored Contributor

What I meant was, while it's Zazzle adding the meta to the image, it's WordPress that is choosing to display it, Zazzle can't control that.

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Absolutely true. Nonetheless I find both useful (Zazzle embedding it and WordPress displaying it). And I owe you Kudos for the signature line as well. I played a night with it and I‘m pretty happy with the result except that I couldn’t get rid of the border - like you. I tried a ton of different html tags - none would take, lol. It’s just how the forum script is set up, smile.

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Honored Contributor

😀  I noticed your sig and Followed you where I could. That's funny about the border, I remember how aggravated I was that I couldn't make it go away but I'm used to it now.

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I have noticed you on Pinterest and followed you back - thank you so much. 🙂

I haven't done the full round yet but will follow back on the other platforms when I will promote my next listing. 

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