pinterest referral code stripping?

Valued Contributor II

Hi everyone, hoping someone can shed some light on this issue. I most always pin directly from the Zazzle product page to Pinterest. (I know, not best practices...) I'm in the promoter program. A few weeks ago, I noticed my pins were looking like #1, where it says Zazzle underneath the description. To get them to look like #2, like they used to, I had to pin each product at least twice & delete the 1st time. And sometimes when I'd come back the next day or so I'd see #2 reverting to #1. 

Is this expected behavior now? Is this stripping my ID# so now I'll never get a referral on these pins? Will a sale from these pins result in a 3rd party sale? Is this on the Zazzle side or the Pinterest side? 

If this now gives me no chance of a referral, it seems as though pinning is somewhat a waste of time. Or not? 

Anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks in advance!

PS: Hope this isn't repetitive, as I remember seeing some code stripping threads awhile back & couldn't find them,  but not sure if this is even the same issue. If it is, sorry!



Honored Contributor III

Is your Pinterest account set up as a Business Account or personal as this could be the cause. 

Meanwhile I've noticed the Zazzle button appears if you hover over the area where it is usually. See if this fixes this issue.

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Valued Contributor II

@CreativeLeahG Yes, it's a business account. 

"Meanwhile I've noticed the Zazzle button appears if you hover over the area where it is usually. See if this fixes this issue." Where are you talking about? On the Zazzle product page? On the pinterest pin?

My question mostly is, though: Is the way it's showing up in #1 stripping my referral code?

I've done nothing different while pinning – same thing I've been doing for years – but now the pins are appearing differently.

Valued Contributor

I don't think the appearance has anything to do with your referral being stripped.  To me it looks like one is appearing as a rich pin (#1) and one is not.  If you link to the pins I will go look at them for you on pinterest.

Also, I am assuming that you are not in the promoter program, correct?

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Valued Contributor II

Thanks, @Malissa. Yes, I am in the the promoter program – and the reason I'm extra concerned about the referrals.

Here are the links: &

Thing is, if I repinned the cap (#1) & deleted the 1st one I pinned, it would look like, content-wise, like the banner (#2), unless it doesn't stick & reverts back to #1 again in a few days.

So if it's just a rich pin (the one with the price?), I'd still get the referral if the stars happen to align? (I'm not at all tech savvy with code, html & all!)

Valued Contributor

I missed that you're in the promoter program in your OP.  Sorry!  

Both of those should actually be rich pins.  I checked my pins as well and it is just hit or miss which one has a price and says Zazzle underneath and they are all rich pins.  I am in the promoter program as well.   There should be no reason your referral is stripped.  Since you are in the promoter program you will never see a referral ID on pins of your own products.  

There is no reason to believe that you won't get the referral as long as the stars align! lol. I think it is just really hard to get them the last couple of years for whatever reason, but your pins are just fine. I think that the ones with prices may even change to reflect current sales, but I can't remember for sure.

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Valued Contributor II

@Malissa Ok, thanks so much for checking them out! Hopefully you're correct & either of them can get me a referral. I don't get too many of those but when I do the dollars really add up quickly! I have been fortunate the past month or two to get some very nice ones. Fingers crossed that they continue, but I certainly don't count on it.