Collection Covers Showing in MP under Collection Filter - MISLEADING

Honored Contributor III

Collections I created years ago and added covers to years ago are now showing those covers (which were never intended for the marketplace or to show for ANY product) are now showing in Marketplace re 'collections' which is VERY confusing to customers as they do NOT represent the product at all in some cases. I have not edited those collections based on new requirements to have them replace any product. This is all automated and it's a mess.

I've deleted the covers where identified to stop this happening and will do more. 

Collections should show under collections NOT individual products.


Graphics Bundles ️ Ninja Niche Course Invitation Design Course ️ Mockups and TemplatesFREE Advice/Guides/tips ️by LeahG Pro Platinum

Honored Contributor

Even if you turn off the option to replace product images with collection cover images, they still show the collection cover image on the product. That just turns off the option to replace the image in search. I don't think there's any way to turn off the option on the product page.

Honored Contributor III

I deleted the cover.

Graphics Bundles ️ Ninja Niche Course Invitation Design Course ️ Mockups and TemplatesFREE Advice/Guides/tips ️by LeahG Pro Platinum