Snuggle Hamster Designs

Contributor III

Today I was watching Lisa's channel on YouTube ( ) and she introduced me to Snuggle Hamster Designs ( Snuggle Hamster Designs and more details also at ) and the concept sounds quite promising to me and so I signed up for it. The site is still in BETA right now but if you check it out soon you will be one of the first ones jumping on board once it opens up (hopefully even already this month).

I just wanted to share because you can never have to much exposure, especially nowadays with the economy soaring (and it's looking like it will only get worse, sigh).

And a huge kudos of course to the builders and beta testers - all Zazzlers you might already know.


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Honored Contributor

It sounds interesting, and I tried to sign up, but I can't get them to send me a verification email. That part of the site must not be working.

Hey there Connie. I do see the Created Horizons user account you were setting up in relation to your store. I'm sorry you had trouble doing the email verification part. I would encourage you to give it another try though. I just confirmed that it is working. I did plug your email address into the "Forgot my password" form to send you another message. You might want to check to see if it got filtered out as spam by your mail provider. If all else fails, consider joining out Discord server:

I look forward to having you join us. Cheers.

Honored Contributor

@JimCarnicelliCan you PM me the URL that the verification email comes from, so I can add it to my safe senders? I still haven't gotten any emails, and I've checked my spam folder and my deleted folder. Barring that, is there any way to change my email address to a gmail address?


It will come from . The email address you used looks like it should be valid. You might want to check your mail provider's own "spam" or "junk mail" folder.

You are welcome to try creating another account with your preferred email address. If you succeed with that but can't reuse the same display name you want, let me know and I'll just delete the old account for you.

I find it hard to join Discord. I have tried before and it keeps denying me. Haven’t tried with your link yet but I’ll give it one more shot tonight.

I have three questions though:

1. Will your software update our listings or will we have to initiate an update (adding new items once the script has gathered all the listing inventory initially).

2. How does your site handle R rated listings?

3. Will you add a support or discussion forum to the site?

It’s looking mighty promising by the way. 👌🏽

San FranciscoSan FranciscoFacebookflickrInstagramLinkedinPinterestRedditTikTokThreadsvimeoXYouTube

Hey there. I just sent a detailed response via email. Here's a summary for the benefit of other readers too:

1. Not automatic. You need to manually use the store products updater. It's faster after the first import. And you can manually trigger imports of new products that Zazzle's indexer hasn't picked up yet.

2. We don't have a content ratings or filter system. No plans to have one currently.

3. Discussion forum could happen in the future. No immediate plans for now. People are welcome to join our active community on Discord though.

Thank you for the compliment. Your own store is looking good already. Cheers.


Thanks for signing up. I hope you got my email reply to your contact form message.

I just made the announcement a few hours ago that we are planning to have our public launch this Monday, April 8th. I hope you'll join us. Nothing fancy, really. Just opening the gates. I'm working like mad now to get everything as ready as possible. Cheers.


Today's our official launch date. You're all welcome to come out and set up shop. Cheers.