Show Me Your Favorite Zazzle Purchases in Real Life! :D

Contributor II

I would love to see photos of the Zazzle products you've purchased and obtained in real life. No mockups, please. 😄 These can be your own products or products from other designers. Please feel free to provide links to the products you share!

BONUS POINTS: I'd really like to see some photos of faux glitter, metallic, shimmery or textured designs in real life. 

Excited to see what people have purchased and what have been your favorites. 



Valued Contributor

I have a customer photo page here on my website with both things I have purchased and those that customers have shared with me of their purchases. Each one links back to products when you click them except maybe masks and a couple of discontinued items.i haven’t updated it in a couple of years 🙈 and I have more to add.

I have been very happy with everything I have purchased. 

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That's such a good idea!

I agree. This is definitely being added to my ever-growing to-do list! lol

Valued Contributor

Thank you!  Now if I could keep it current that would be great!😂

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This is a FANTASTIC idea! I need to make a landing page. I'm going to check yours out. I'm not ready for a full-fledged website yet, but I might be able to make this happen. 🙂
No apologies! We do what we can. I'm finding there is A LOT to juggle in this business. 😅 So many ideas, and not enough time to do them all plus sleep, eat, and be a human. 

OOH! I really love some of your products. I may go in and favorite some. I especially love the leggings, the binder, and the totes!
It's a nice simple page as well. May I ask what you used to build it? 
EDIT: I thought your style looked familiar. Yep! I'm already following you. 😂

Valued Contributor

Thank you! My website is just a blogger blog that I have a custom template for so I used the add a page function in blogger and used html for a responsive grid page. After I built my html page, I added my html block to the page instead of choosing compose mode where you edit your page in blogger.  It isn't a plug in or anything I bought.

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Cool! Ok. 🙂 I’ve never used blogger but could maybe look them up. Have you been happy with them?

Valued Contributor

Yes.  Blogger is Google's blogging platform that has been around for maybe 20 years.  I've been blogging on there on and off since 2008, but they give you the ability to add a custom template and then have additional (limited features) that allow you to create a site that looks like a "real" website and not just an old school blog especially when you direct a custom domain name to it.  I have a post here that gives tips on how to do this for a very tiny budget and you have a practically free website.  It is great for starting out and when you don't need a website with a bunch of bells and whistles.  I have been using it as a website and portfolio since 2019.

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