Digital Download Option Removed From Product Page

Contributor II

The option is not available on the product page anymore. So I have to direct my customer to add the product to their cart first, then go to the cart and choose to add the digital download. Then they still have to remove the physical product so only the digital download is in their cart. The issue I am seeing though is when the physical product is removed then the price of the digital download does not change. Meaning they can get the digital download for $0.95? Where has the digital only option gone? Why are they not on the product page any longer?


Honored Contributor

@Laura-LiseWong The option is still there. It's in the Choose your Format drop down just under the blue Edit Design button



Not for me. It used to show. Now it is missing on my dowloadble products.

@Laura-LiseWong that's really strange. Perhaps they're A/B testing a new page. Which browser are you using?

I use Edge. If it's not everyone affected then I will wait. It could just be a glitch during updates. 

@Laura-LiseWong if you have another browser on your system - test it to see. I've just tried in Firefox and they show the drop down. 

Perhaps it could be something Edge doesn't like about the page but yes - wait to see if anyone else is affected.

If you can link to one of your products that's not showing the drop down- I can have a look if it's showing on my browser

No worries. It seems to be back as an option for me now! A strange temporary glitch that I only noticed because I had a customer asking for the digital option as it wasn't showing for her either. Thank you for checking though. I really appreciate it!

Valued Contributor

I checked a few invitations from your shop and I see the dropdown like Sara's screenshot.  Are you putting your own invitation in your own cart to test it? If so you will see that  $ .95 price because it is your own invitation.

Not sure why you aren't seeing the dropdown though.  I used Safari.

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No worries. It seems to be back as an option for me now! A strange temporary glitch that I only noticed because I had a customer asking for the digital option as it wasn't showing for her either. Thank you for checking though. I really appreciate it 🙂