i am new on zazzle in eed guidence help

New Contributor II

to me it seems very confusing sort out collections and stores and migrate them according to the specific catogery ,can you help me in diong that i will be very thankful to you,i want to follow you as well please send me a creation of yours


Valued Contributor II

There are two Zazzler’s that I know of who offer a variety of paid online Zazzle classes at various price ranges. Search for “online Zazzle courses” to view the courses they have to offer.

Also there are many YouTube videos that can help you. Look for YouTube videos on Zazzle, Etsy, RedBubble, TPublic, AmazonMerch, and more — they all offer a variety of tips that can help you with your Zazzle shop and questions.

New Contributor III

Feel free to compare notes! I'm no Zazzle "pro" (yet) but I'm a former software engineer and web designer, and there are definitely things here that are not very intuitive. I'm sure this isn't the ONLY people are doing it, but I've organized mine into product types, and then when I have the same art on multiple product types, that becomes a "collection". Check 'em out here...

The thing is, frequently I've noticed a time lag before collections go "live" especially when they contain newly created products. So to organize things visually as a back-up for my own use and also for promotion, I "share" my collections to my Pinterest board here...