Payment questions i need clarifications on?!

New Contributor II


I Have 3 questions about Payments.

1] Does it actually take 45 days to receive a payment from Zazzle? and when the 45 days is calculated from, the day i requested the payment or from the 1st day of the new month?

2] i saw that i can request a payment to my paypal for about 2.50$ does that mean i receive the payment quicker or do i also have to wait the 45 days?

3] when i applied for my w8-ben form few years ago zazzle sent me an email that my form processed and your account has been updated and they will apply the appropriate tax treaty tax rate to the next payment processed but didnt tell me how much? will it be the same as percentage in the form i submitted? and does that mean i am okay to get paid without problems now right?

hope someone will help me understand those questions