Valued Contributor

I would be helpful if any time after we have uploaded a file to our file storage folders we'd have the ability to rename the file.  There are numerous incidences where this would be helpful.  It would also be helpful if you made it easier to rename a file storage folder.  

thank you in advance for your consideration

I wish you all continued success

Contributor II

When you go to your main image page (not via the design tool) and click on the image, there will be a little "i" in the lower right corner. When you click on the "i" a box will pop up. Now click on the name of the file and you'll be able to edit it. You can also delete images from that pop up box. 

Valued Contributor

Wow,  I never noticed that little 'i' before @DesertSky, so thanks for the tip! I see there is also a spot to add a description  of the image .. this might come in handy too. It shows the dimension of the image as well so there is a wealth of information under that little 'i' that's been hiding in plain sight. 

Honored Contributor

I find that I can rename my images when I am working on the desktop. I do not have this functionality on my iPad.

Valued Contributor

Thank you, DesertSky!!  I had no idea that i was there nor was I aware of the options it offers. 

Contributor II

@igiftcenter @Baylee You're welcome, glad I could help! I stumbled upon it quite a while ago but don't always remember all of the ways it can be useful. At first, I thought adding an image description might populate the product page description automatically, but it didn't. The image size and the ability to change the image name and delete unwanted images is really helpful though.

Honored Contributor

Also, when you change the image name, it changes it within all the past designs you've used it in, too, so that is awesome, keeps everything in sync. 👍

I've been using the Description field for cover images.
I name the cover image as "ProductType_product######" [Pillow-189828985748494914.png for example] and then use the Description field to paste in the URL of the product I used that cover for. This means I can go to the album I added just for cover Images and sort it alphabetically so I can see for example, all pillow covers or all mug covers together for easy comparing. The image info already includes the date you added it, so with the URL there too I can go right to that product to look at its stats/insights and tags, which I then use to do some searches to try and see if adding the cover helped me in search results.

Honored Contributor

Forgot to add - if you're using licensed images or public domain, you can use the Description field to note where you sourced the image from, your license # for it, that it's public domain, etc....  It's a handy field to have.