Will instant downloaded posters have a No resale restriction?

Contributor III

I have 2500 photographs on my computer and like the instant poster download for these photographs however, I would not like it if the purchaser could turn around and resell the photo prints.  I am assuming that the customer can share the poster on Facebook to their website, as blog banners and I am fine with that.  But reselling the photo printed posters... would be a conflict of interest for Zazzle and for the creator of the instant downloaded posters.  Just let me know if there are any restrictions on the poster downloads or if the purchaser is free to use them commercially.

Thank you


New Contributor III

Yep, I have already had some of my custom prints end up on Etsy to be resold as theirs so I am going to disable all downloading options and only allow for them to be printed and purchased through the store.

Once someone downloads a high resolution image of yours there is absolutely no way to keep it from being resold simply based on the "honor system".  

I agree disabling the download options. That is why I replied two weeks ago stating the download could be posted on a website or blog and resold.

You can't demand that Etsy take down those products?

New Contributor III

The license Zazzle is issuing with these digital downloads is For Personal Use Only.

New Contributor II

"For Personal Use Only" means "Use Any Way You Want". Nobody's going to know if he sells 100 designs in flea markets.

New Contributor II

Stupid me saw those little green labels 2 months ago. Thought nothing of it until I actually realized what it was. No way am I allowing instant downloads. "Personal Use" means "I can use it any way I want". So someone buys 100 downloadable designs. He makes and sells 3/4/5 shirts for each design. In total, that's maybe 500 shirts sold in a small town call "infringe, OHIO". Multiply that by 100 folk over the course of a year in small towns all over the country and 1000 folk all over the world doing the same thing. I would be a fool to allow instant downloads.

However... this feature fits PERFECTLY for an idea I have for a niche store.

At first, I opted out. Then figured those that opted out would be sent further down in the marketplace. So I opted in. Now that I have sold some downloads, I am picturing vendors in "Infringe, Ohio" selling my stuff.

New Contributor III

I completely agree with you. Legally, "Personal Use Only" means no selling, however we all know that if someone thinks they can get away with it, they'll do it. There's no way we can know if someone is printing our designs on shirts, poster, etc. and selling them in small towns at local arts and crafts fairs. I did not learn about these digital downloads until just recently, but I will be disabling all of mine that are enabled.

New Contributor II

I've been finding mine on diamond painting, needlepoint, paint by numbers, with people making a whole lot of money on my images. If you handle it legally, you can regain some money from these companies. Check out pixsy.com There is another one, too, but I can't remember their name right now. 

Honored Contributor II

Setting posters as downloadable gives me the heebie-jeebies. Maybe one of these days, I'll mark as downloadable those I don't care so much about.

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